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[Approved] [Problem] Darksteel blocking desired natural progression of the game


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  1. In-game nickname: Eternal
  2. What problem does your suggestion seek to solve?

The problem of natural progression blocking that is happening to me and most likely all of the other players. Which means that the server even having increased rates does have some limitations that make that rates does not play they role on the progression itself and you end up by having two different weights, and the balance between progression of spirits, level, power, etc, is totally broken beause of that.

  1. How does your suggestion contribute to solving the problem?

Well i'd suggest to improve and add more ways to obtain darksteel through the game. Because when i was playing on global for example i never felt the lack of darksteel because the progression was slow and then you have always the necessary resource because it have the same impact to overcome. Here you can progress way faster but the darksteel resource does not follow that faster progression making you have a block because of that lack of darksteel. So if you guys increase the ways to obtain Darksteel the natural progression would run more smoothly and then the equipments versus the level versus the power of an character will match and make sense, because nowadays you will see a lot of level and power without any good equipment at all. which does not make much sense. its just unbalanced, non natural.

  1. What are the positive impacts of your suggestion?

This will contribute for the quality of life of players inside the game and they will not feel blocked anymore and the progression will become more natural, this will not affect the natural progression itself but make it feel more soft and smooth.

  1. What are the negative impacts of your suggestion?

Players that invest too much in the game and have enough darksteel because of that, will end up by selling those darksteel in the market and having even more gold to be stronger and being more powerful in the end. Also this can make the players more stronger against monsters overall and unlock further content of the game reaching the end of it more quicker.

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At the negative impact i can say that this will not happen because the needed Darksteel to craft epic/legendary equipments will be way more they will not even think of selling those. Well even if they sold it you will still benefit because if you need it too you can just buy from the market. But i agree on adding other features to the game that will give some dark steel or just increase the dark steel that can be mined like 800-1k per mine. Or just make it a bit higher than the mining rate on MIR4 Global.

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